
This time last year I wrote a piece reflecting on the year 2023. I did the same the year before that. Here I am, doing the same for the third year in a row. I guess it’s tradition now. 

So, what happened this year? I’m pleased to say I’ve kept up the weekly blog practice. I started writing this blog two years ago and I’m thankful for my readership, and my ability to show up each week with a new piece for your consumption. 

This time last year I’d just published two books. There was A Hollade Christmas which came out in November, and Art Is The Way which was released in December. By virtue of both these books being out in the world, I’ve been a two-time published author for over a year now, and it feels good to see them taking on a life of their own. As a side note, if you need ideas for last-minute Christmas presents, you can buy Art Is The Way and A Hollade Christmas everywhere books are sold, or you can reach out to me personally and I’ll mail you a copy. 

There should have been a third book – my first full-length fiction novel – published this year, but I experienced a few setbacks and I’ve decided to part ways with the publisher who was meant to release the book. In the new year, I’ll share more about my plans to publish the book independently. That’s not all. I’ve spent a lot of this year writing and working on more novels, including a sequel to the novel that should have been out this year. I’ll share more about these plans in the coming weeks. 

Still on the writing front, this year I also branched out and started exploring the short story form. I shared a couple on this blog – Maisy, One Summer Holiday, and Not Long For This World. You can expect more of these next year. 

On the music front, it would seem like I’ve not had as productive a year as previous years, as I didn’t release any music this year. However, I like to think I spent my creative energy laying a lot of the groundwork for things to come. I had a couple of productive studio sessions with my friend and producer, and we’re finalising the plans for my 11-track album. Like a seed that has drawn on nutrients from the soil and germinated underground, my efforts will sprout, shoot up from the ground and bear sweet and juicy fruits next year and beyond. Watch this space.

As always, I’ve also continued writing and performing new songs, some of which will be recorded and released in years to come, and I played at some memorable gigs and festivals. It was nice to open for Arthur Buezo on his first UK tour, and it was lovely to be back at the National Festival of Making, to mention a few. Many thanks to Mike at The Spinning Top for having me on a couple of times this year, and Michael for the many events and opportunities, and for continuing to be a stalwart of the Manchester Music Scene. 

Perhaps a significant difference in terms of how I’ve lived life this year compared to previous years is that I’ve spent a lot less time engaging on social media. I recently wrote about my one-year not-posting-on-social-media anniversary. This is a lifestyle change I intend to keep going into next year. It remains to be seen how I’ll share important updates on my work and my art. For instance, when the time comes to share updates on my album launch and my next book, I’m not sure if I’ll confine such news to this blog, or if I’ll take to social media, but that’s a decision for another time. For now, I intend to carry on as I’ve been, as it appears to be serving me well. 

Like last year, I also consumed a plethora of art and information in the form of books (fiction and non-fiction alike), podcasts, documentaries, and of course, movies. Perhaps the biggest difference in the media I consumed is that I spent more time engaging with visual arts in the form of paintings, sketches and comics, most of them on substack. I drew inspiration from The Habit of Art by Kelcey Ervick, Incidental Comics by Grant Snider, and Margreet’s Comics by Margreet de Heer. These spurred me on to broaden my creative exploits, such that I even dedicated a few blog posts to my sketching practice. There will be more of this next year. While I’m highlighting Substacks I engaged with this year, I’d also like to shout out my friend and fellow local creative Kevin Mcgreary’s Creative Unconscious. which has been a source of many thought-provoking pieces this year. 

On the personal front, I’m still married, would you believe it? This is something of a jape, of course, a sort of glib remark. I say “still” because this is a running joke I share with a couple of friends and acquaintances on the local music scene. My wife and I celebrated our first anniversary in April this year, with a lovely few days in Amsterdam. It seems she’s not bored of me. Yet. 

While I was writing this, I went back and re-read the reflections I wrote for 2022 and 2023. What caught my eye was how I felt like an impostor in 2022, and how thankful I was in 2023. As I predicted in 2022, I still feel like an impostor, and as I wrote in 2023, I’m still thankful. I’m thankful for you, and for all that life has to offer, and although I may feel like an impostor in this space, I remain happy, and healthy, and creative, and I’m as excited as ever for what the future holds. That’s all from me this year. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Bring on 2025.

P.S.: My debut non-fiction book, Art Is The Way, and my middle-grade novella, A Hollade Christmas, are out everywhere now. You can get them in all good bookstores and from all major online vendors.



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