
All Things Pass


Sometimes song lyrics are literal, sometimes they're metaphorical, sometimes they hold hidden or double meaning, and sometimes it's all of the above. 

Recent events have reminded me of an old song of mine that fits the above description, a song whose lyrics resonate in the literal sense as an account of seasonal weather changes, but also serve as a metaphor for life's ups and downs. It's a song I wrote in a previous time, called All Things Pass. I don't remember exactly when I wrote it, but I remember playing it live exactly once this time last year.

I've previously written about how music captures snapshots, immortalising a time, a place, and an emotion, and enabling us to revisit it again and again. Well, I've recently revisited the song, perhaps because it's that time of the year when the weather turns dark and cold and grey, or maybe it's because of all the doom and gloom in the news. 

My reasons notwithstanding, if there's one thing to take away from the song, it's the sentiment expressed in the old saying that 'however good or bad a situation is, it'll change'. So if times are a bit dark and miserable now, there's solace to seek in the idea that someday soon, the sun will shine again.

Verse 1

It's cold, and grey

These days there's so much rain

But someday, somehow

The sun will shine again

Verse 2

Short days, long nights

Strong winds and stormy weather

They loom, and yet

The sun will shine again 


Cause all things pass

Nothing lasts forever

All things pass

Verse 3

And when the days 

Are bleak, when the sun hides its face

It pays to remember

The sun will shine again

PS: Just a reminder that the lead single of the new record is out now, everywhere. You can listen to it on several platforms. Please share it with a friend, share it with your social networks, and consider subscribing to the newsletter (below), my YouTube channel, or wherever else you listen to music. 

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