The Case For Hope

So I played a gig last night, and it was wonderful in more ways than one. I felt the music, I mean truly felt it in my body as I performed. The sound system was just right, with that splendid balance of warm and bright tones. The audience was attentive and they just about packed…

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Euston to Piccadilly (Short Story)

Happy Sunday. This week I’d like to share the first short story of the year. If you’re new to this space, you should know that once in every while, instead of a regular essay on art and creativity, I post one of my short stories on this blog and invite you to share your thoughts….

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Words for when doubt sets in

Happy Sunday, and congratulations on making it to February. It’s been a busy week, no, a busy month, but at the risk of repeating myself from one week to the next, I’ve been enjoying the extra daylight we’ve been getting each morning and evening, and looking forward to more of this.  I thought I’d do…

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Morning Light (Song Spotlight)

Last week I wrote about winter – the cold, dark, (roughly) three-month period we experience every year as part of the planet’s meteorological cycle, but also the periods of indeterminate length characterised by barren wastelands and tumultuous, stormy conditions we experience at different times in our lives with varying frequency. Seeing as we’re in the…

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Most, if not all things in life are governed or dictated by seasons, and it should come as no surprise that I’ve been thinking a lot about the meteorological season that is winter since I live in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s mid-January.  As someone who grew up around the equator, where the lengths of…

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On Intentions

We’re in that time of year when we all seek to leverage the fresh-start effect to better ourselves, and in doing so we tend to come up with new year resolutions. We draw up a list of goals we wish to achieve, changes we wish to make, and habits we wish to imbibe or break….

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Starting 2025 With Gratitude

Happy New Year, and happy Sunday. I hope you had a good break if you had one, and I hope the festivities brought you joy and happiness if you partook in the celebrations.  I’d like to kick things off this year with gratitude, but rather than writing an essay on the topic per the usual…

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2024 Reflections

This time last year I wrote a piece reflecting on the year 2023. I did the same the year before that. Here I am, doing the same for the third year in a row. I guess it’s tradition now.  So, what happened this year? I’m pleased to say I’ve kept up the weekly blog practice….

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Not Long For This World (Short Story)

Happy Sunday. This week I’ve got another short story for you. I know, I know, two weeks in a row. Who do I think I am, a writer? Anyway, if this happens to be your entry point into my blogosphere, this is all part of the short story initiative I started a few weeks ago…

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One Summer Holiday (Short Story)

Happy Sunday. This week I thought I’d share another one of my short stories, as part of the short story initiative I started a few weeks ago where instead of a regular blog post I share a story I’ve written and invite you to share your thoughts on it. The last one of these I…

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